Taking instances from the routine activities, here are some pointers indicating the relevance of this property. The doormats used outside or inside the house both need to be anti-slip. They bear the pressure plus the movement of stepper, and may slide along with the person causing serious injury, if slippery. Similarly, the shower mat used for standing under the showers is meant to keep itself stable even on wet floors. Other than mats, even the steps of a ladder require a grip. The anti-slip surface of kitchen utilities like chopping boards and serving trays will provide the contents safety from falling off as a result of a jerk of an unavoidable movement. Even ladles and knives now a days, come with handle grip to avoid cuts and burns while cooking or preparing the ingredients.
Anti-slip surfaces are as basic and important as the sole of a shoe. So, as the technology advances and the methods of working enhance this technique will become an essential part of all staple goods.